Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the Way and openness > Page 2


Softening ~ is & is becoming (no. 4)

at-one & at-ease

Page 2

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So, when natural warmth arises, as did with the voice arising, softening occurs, a reorientation of how we see and, so, experience. This natural warmth we can call basic sanity, or wisdom, or natural intelligence ~ this warmth dissolves the frozen. And, 'frozen' means caught in the past, for being presently present is always now. Then, we can feel bodily a sense of spaciousness, like the cells opening to Life again, breathing in and out.

This is the Way moving, and we never know moment-to-moment how the movement will become. Yet, we can learn to live in communion with the Way, so that we sense a growth into a unity between the Way and ourselves. That unity itself can deepen over time. In this unity, hence, we sense a natural, spontaneous moving together. We become the Way, through the Way, Grace, by being graced.

With the above voice, some would put this in religious terms, as I did at that time. Now, either religious or nonreligious, personal or abstract, works for me. Again, the Way is prior to, so free of, how we describe the Way. We, being humans, will have ways to speak of the Way, the Mystery-that-is-Life, and that we differ in this is how it is, needs to be.

Regardless, when this unfathomable Presence addresses us, we are invited to relax, to allow gracefulness to meet gracefulness. In this, we learn a new way to be being in this world, a more relaxed, non-aggressive relationship with the world about us and, likewise, with ourselves. We become, then, more and more natural, as we learn the way of surrender to the Way, a surrender that is participation with the wisdom and compassion inherent in and among all beings in the fellowship of life.

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This way of surrender can be easily misunderstood, as some of us live in cultures of dominance, aggression. We may have come to believe that surrender is weakness. What is modeled for us is the aggression to survive, including the competition to prove superiority to others, as well as the belief in dominating nature to serve the wishes of only one species, the human species.

So, the Way will challenge all that; the Way will undo acculturation, through the Light manifesting in uncompromising, silent, inner working. So, the Way is to yield to these inner workings, to participate in the Light, not fight the darkness.

The way of Light is to express Light,
in natural gentleness, with gracefulness,
trusting the Light to transform darkness
into its innate essence ~ Light.

This de-acculturation is a reason one may live more alone, even amid others. This aloneness is not loneliness, and it does not necessarily mean less interaction with or appreciation of others. Indeed, aloneness, the innate inner solitude living withing all beings, is the way to pure openness to the world. And, to be at-ease with Life, to step outside the ways of aggression and opposition, into simplicity and contentment, with nothing to prove and no one to impress, this is the natural way to be-with the Way, the pristine illuminations of Love.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the Way and openness > Page 2

©Brian Wilcox 2024